Build Your Siriusnet Client
1. Configure your Siriusnet network
Build your client to interact with any of the Siriusnet network nodes. Mainnet, testnet, and previewnet are the three Siriusnet networks you can submit transactions and queries to.
For a predefined network (preview, testnet, and mainnet), the mirror node client is configured to the corresponding network mirror node.
To access the public mainnet mirror node, use setMirrorNetwork()
and enter
for the endpoint. The gRPC API requires TLS. The following SDK versions are compatible with TLS:
JavaScript: v2.4.0+
Go: v2.4.0+
Method | Type | Description |
| Constructs a Siriusnet client pre-configured for Previewnet access | |
| Constructs a Siriusnet client pre-configured for Testnet access | |
| Constructs a Siriusnet client pre-configured for Mainnet access | |
| Map<String, AccountId> | Construct a client given a set of nodes. It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that all nodes in the map are part of the same Siriusnet network. Failure to do so will result in undefined behavior. |
| String | Configure a client from the given JSON string describing a ClientConfiguration object |
| Reader | Configure a client from the given JSON reader |
| File | Configure a client based on a JSON file. |
| String | Configure a client based on a JSON file at the given path. |
| String | Provide the name of the network.
| List<String> | Define a specific mirror network node(s) ip:port in string format |
| List<String> | Return the mirror network node(s) ip:port in string format |
| boolean | Set if transport security should be used. If transport security is enabled all connections to nodes will use TLS, and the server's certificate hash will be compared to the hash stored in the node address book for the given network. |
| Duration | Client automatically updates the network via a mirror node query at regular intervals. You can set the interval at which the address book is updated. |
| AddressBook | Client can be set from a |
| LedgerId | The ID of the network.
| LedgerId | Get the ledger ID |
| boolean | Set if server certificates should be verified against an existing address book. |
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